Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Not much of a title for this one...

Have I ever mentioned that working overnights can really mess with your sleep? I even stayed up the majority of the day yesterday so I could sleep at night, unfortunately, it still didn't happen. I've got a few exciting things coming up in my future. A backpacking trip! So exciting, I can't believe how blessed I feel to be able to go to Alaska! Financially I could never do it on my own right now, but a good friend of mine, used his miles to get me there. Not very many people are that lucky. We are going hiking in Denalli Park. I've never been on a backpacking trip like this before. Sounds like there are not cut trails. It will be interesting to see if I can hack it! I should probably warn my friend that I get a bit crabby if I get dehydrated and hungry...I learned that on the last trip I went on. Then again, that was years, hopefully if I work out in the next month a bit more so that I am in better shape, I hope to be able to hold my own.

If I'm really going to make it out on my biking venture tomorrow, I hope to be able to get some sleep tonight. I haven't hit a single trail yet this year!! Can't wait! I'm hoping I don't wipe out too many times! Maybe I'll be able to find someone to bike with me, that would be great.

Oh...and since I'm usually good at keeping the entire world updated on my dating life...still single lol. Not loving the dating scene, but want to meet someone that I can see myself and they see themselve in a real relationship...unfortunately, this seems to mean going through a lot of dead-ends first. But, things may be turning around. I'm doing a lot of great things with my life right now. Trying to get myself out of the hole I've been in, and I think I'm finally starting to get there. Needed to close the chapter of the last book, so I can start the next reading the next one.

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