Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Sigh

Well...I figured it may be time to update this bad boy. Considering in the past weeks I've met a boy. It's still very early, but things seem to be going quite well. It's funny how we'd think with all the dating sites I've tried that would be the only thinkable means. However, it was no where near so simple. It was actually through his sister, who was a patient of mine...whose husband used to be my ex-boyfriends boss. Nothing like putting a little twist of irony of things. lol. We have only been on three dates, but already find we miss seeing each other in between. It's nice to be missed. He's coming to the Dells this week. My family has yet to meet him, I'm taking it somewhat slow on the family front...and fast at the same time. He's coming to the Schmidt family Brewer game. So instead of meeting them one at a time, he is going to be thrown into the mix. Hopefully he can handle my insanely large fam!

I shouldn't spend too much time writing now. Considering I still haven't gone to sleep, what I should really be doing is either biking or sleeping. I work again in eight hours. But two of my five overnights are done, and then I am heading to Wisconsin Dells! Not bad for a little Pre Memorial Day get together. Still don't have any plans over Memorial Day weekend, but I'm hoping some things come up. I'm sure at the least a bbq should.

Well, I'm off to the land of sleep now. I'm sure I will update again soon!

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