Tuesday, March 24, 2009

So stressed...

Yeah, so I'm a bit stressed right now and would love nothing more than to head outdoors and workout in my favorite way...on two wheels! But it is freezing out there with all that rain! So it looks like a day of working out indoors. I think to help myself decompress a bit, I may go and get the ingredients to put a roast in the slow cooker. Maybe a good healthy meal will help me. I know exactly what is stressing me out...the problem is resolving it. It all comes down to money, heartache and the value of relationships. Hopefully a good workout will feed me some answers. I know what I would tell someone else to do in my shoes...unfortunately it's me in my shoes, and it's a lot easier said than done.

On a positive note, a few friends and I are training up for a sprint triathlon in June. Same day as the group birthday party is planned...we'll see if we keep it that day or not. But it's a friend from high school and a newer friend that are for sure planning on doing it with me. By with me...I mean, we will be doing it on the same day, by no means will we stick together throughout the "race". (not a race for me, more of a motivator) I look forward to having another goal in mind...once I sign up it's official. The good thing is, with sprints, the majority is biking, so even if I don't train a ton, I'm confident I can finish right now...just not well. I'm also thinking about hitting up a Zumba class. Thought it could put a fun twist on the workout circuit. Since I'm not trying to go pro in any one sport, I'd like to experience as many fun things as possible.

I need to run now to get that roast brewing.

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