Friday, March 27, 2009

I was really looking forward to spending a lot of time on my bike over my days off...but I'm finding instead, sadly, that I am a bit of a fair weather biker in the beginning of the season. It always seems like at the end of the season I'm willing to take it pretty late, but in the beginning, getting out in that cold is always a bit more intimidating. I think part of it's that I know I'm not in as good of shape to get all ready to go for what will probably be a ride to prove how out of shape I am...just doesn't get my blood flowing. I am looking forward to going to the Y tomorrow to swim my first set of laps in ages. But I've decided to do the High Cliff Sprint I think I need to get my flappers going again. I tried to track down my goggles, but it's looking like I may need to invest in a new swim cap and goggles, since you seem to lose a lot of personal items when you move about every six months. Ahh, it will be nice the day I'm back on my feet financially, because right now this is killing me!!! I can't ever relax. But right now I am just grateful to have a job. As three more of my friends lost their jobs this week. The economy is getting hit so hard. I really hope this is getting close to the low point, because it is getting so hard for so many people.

So far it seems my friends have been able to keep their heads held high, and are looking at this as an opportunity rather than a road block. I am quite proud of them for charging full speed ahead and grabbing the situation by the horns. I will pray for them and hope their situations are better soon, and they are able to grow from this.

I think that's about it for tonight. I was supposed to be working right now, but two patients canceled so I was sent home with low census. Now I'm off until Tuesday...plenty of time to enjoy some working out!! And hopefully putting a plan together to help get life of the right with a bit brighter future and fewer obstacles.

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