Wednesday, February 25, 2009

6am and I haven't slept a wink...

So it's 6am and my body is completely out of wack...but for some reason, I am 100% okay with it. I feel great tonight. Last night when I couldn't sleep I was able to watch the two shows I am hooked on right now. The Bachelor and House...I'm also liking the combination of Gray's and Private Practice. Christi and I were thinking we may need a Bachelor Grand Finale party. For those of us who have been placing bets on the winner...Melissa for sure, in case you were wondering! I think he may have made a mistake sending home Jillian though...did you see that hot tub scene. Right..."only friends", who was he trying to kid. He just wanted to make his decission next week that much easier! I am looking forward to it. I've never really been one to keep up to date on reality tv, but thanks to Jenny and Christi I'm hooked this season.

Went to see "He's just not that into you" tonight. Haha, I saw myself in one of the characters WAY too much. She rambles, and says and does all the wrong things at ALL the wrong times! That reminds me all too much of myself. It was nice to hit Bazil's as well and share a drink with a friend. I hope we do it again soon!! Next time, I'm getting the Blue Moon though, the entire time we were drinking our beers, hers looked better to me, and there just wasn't time for two.

As for the plan today...hoping to get some shut eye...heading to the gym and working this evening. Only four hours, so nothing real heartbreaking. Then I am off until Thursday. Hoping to have some fun this weekend. No real huge plans yet though. Maybe now I should try to get some sleep as the rest of the world rises. Someday I will find a normal schedule!

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