Friday, February 20, 2009

Updates Shmupdates...

You know...sometimes no matter how good or how bad life is at the moment sometimes you just don't feel up to writing. The even more funny part to me is that I really didn't think anyone read these. Thank you for caring!!! That is quite sweet. I've been up to a few things since I last wrote. Christi and I had a wonderful time in Florida, though very cold! I didn't think that was supposed to happen in Florida...but you know you are with a good friend when plans go nothing like you had planned and you are still laughing with each other as you hug goodbye. I will never think of a "Jack in the box" the same again...or Beyonce! I will definitely NEVER drive through another security gate without thinking of our "Salsa Lover"...ahhh got to love her! Oh yeah...and TGIF+Trannies dancing+stolen gift cards=only to Katie and Christi!!!

Ummm...what else...James asked Teri to marry him last week, of course she said yes, and I am very happy for them. But I have to admit I'd be lying if I said I'm not wondering when my turn will come about.

Been slacking on working out, worse than I have slacked in a long time. I intend to nip that in the butt this week. So hopefully you'll be hearing about my positive progress again next week. I was doing pretty well until I went on vacation. Darn vacations will do that to you, LOOK OUT!!!

Oh yes! How could I forget!! I got in touch with an old friend again!!! Roberto, it is wonderful to be in touch with him and able to talk to him on a regular basis again! It was tough to keep in touch by phone. Now we have had a lot of time to catch up and hope to see each other this summer if I am able to go to Europe. Which obviously I hope to be able to...just need to make sure I can with the way the economy has been. I don't want to be too frivolous.

I think this is enough of an update for one day. Time for me to call it a night after a long night at work.

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