Friday, January 16, 2009

Tonight I'm up late doing research on reasons why I should get studded tires on a fixie. So far, I'm pretty convinced that it's a good investment. Everyone that I've spoken to about riding fixed thinks it really helps to improve their cadence...and Lord knows I have more than enough room to improve. I could get studded tires for my current bike, which I more than likely will do, having the luxury of being able to buy things at cost makes it a very reasonable investment. Also being able to get a bike at cost...makes that part more foreseeable. Ahh the list of many things on my dream list right now. New bike rack, the Nikon D40X...yeah, that's right Ryan, looking into it a bit further, you've swapped me from wanting the D80. And now a fixie. I've been able to make it to spinning more often and have been pleased with my ambition to condition my body. So far I would say I'm right on track. Please don't mistake this for being the fast track by any means. I love being surrounded by outdoor enthusiasts on a regular basis! The increased opportunity to be around people who are willing to help me improve myself and my ability on a bike is appreciated so much, unfortunately those who deserve to hear it don't enough. Achieving certain physical goals has become a priority in my life recently...I shouldn't say recently, it's always been a priority, but it has certainly stepped up a notch. I am really pleased with my independence, but more so appreciate all of the people that are a part of my life. I can't say enough in regards to all of you. Wow...I'm really rambling now. Oh yeah...I was introduced to a new singer today! I really like her so I wanted to share what Ryan shared with me. Her name is Kina Grannis, definitely check her out!

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