Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Once again it's late at night and I'm awake while others are sleeping. Only this time, I need to be awake in a few hours to make it to spinning and work at O2. I went to spinning a couple days ago, it was an instructor I haven't had before. He was great! Pushed us so hard! Definitely excited to continue going, although yesterday I didn't make it, because I wasn't feeling too well.

I did go on the date, and he'd like to see me again. He is a very nice guy, so we'll see where it goes. I think he's looking to move a bit faster than I'm prepared for though. Already talking about exclusivity, and I'm not to that point. Can't go from a dating boycott to a relationship that quickly. The next relationship I will be in should be a very slow moving one. Or maybe if I find the right guy things will go a bit faster. Only time will tell. But right now, I'm still thinking I like being on my own. Dang, I need to try to get some more sleep! This whole being awake at 4:30 in the morning thing just isn't right! At least I have a few more hours until it is time to be at spinning...gotta prepare for the summer! Two weeks from today I will be in Florida!!! Heading to Wisconsin Dells for a few days this week, that should be fun as well!

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