Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Life in the world of a dreamer

Life as a dreamer...is it a blessing or is it a burden? I think many could argue this either way. But I am left with many questions, is a dreamer one that chases the stars knowing they are well out of there reach or do they chase them to dance in skies? Is a dreamer ever content? Do I ever hope to be simply content? Satisfied and comfortable. Although part of that sounds delightful, I think I am one both blessed and cursed by living the life of dreamer. Will I ever learn to stop dreaming for five minutes and focus on what is right in front of me? Is it bad that one night I fall asleep to thoughts of falling in love and starting a family, and the very next night I dream of moving to an orphanage in Africa to help children whose family did not survive long enough to raise them out of infancy? Although I have to admit, the location changes, but the dream of falling in love never seems to fade. No matter how many dating strikes I claim to go on, and how I will always tell you I'm not ready. But not ready for what? Not ready for another heartbreak...that part is true, but I am very ready to give my heart to the right person. Unfortunately, I have yet to discover that, and in the meantime...not ready for the trials of dating.

Tonight I find myself thinking of a man I once loved. Wondering, am I once again just being a dreamer? Am I putting my heart in a place I know will not develop simply to protect myself from handing the key over. I thought tonight of places I would be happy, but a place will not change the level of my happiness. I am happy here, I have my family, my friends. The fate of being a dreamer, often requires indulging your gypsy blood. I know I will live elsewhere in my life, I also know I'm a planner, but none of my plans go accordingly. I may plan on moving this summer...but I won't but then one day wake up, make up my mine and a few weeks later I'm off to learn a new culture, a new surrounding, and a love for new people. I'd love to hear more people's viewpoint, is being a dreamer a gift or a curse?

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