Saturday, January 10, 2009

The debate whether I'm ready to date right now seems to be lingering quite strongly this weekend as a pretty persistent and attractive man tries to tempt me. Do I wait for a past relationship that may never come? One who is far away and consumed by his career right now, or do I say what the heck and see what a simple date brings? So far I have told him I am comfortable on my own right now, a decision he seems eager to prove wrong. It's nothing with him that's makes me hesitate, he is very good looking and funny...haha, perhaps a bit too good looking. He's a biker, which everyone knows I'm attracted to my bikers! In his younger days he was a bmx biker, loved the adrenaline it brought him. Now he has been finding a new love in mountain biking. My friends at work are trying to convince me I'd be crazy not to go out with this guy, but a large part of me wants to wait and see what happens in other areas. Which I've been told is just as crazy. Ahhh, the lovely life of a single 28 year old!

Onto other topics, I got my new YMCA membership yesterday. I'm pretty happy I took care of that so quickly, considering my old pass ended this week. Guess that's a good sign that I enjoy using it. I was even more thrilled to learn they now offer FIVE spinning classes a day during the week. That is plenty of time to make it to a class! Oh yeah, and I will be needing to hit up the classes a lot, because my greatest friend in life and I are going on our first solo get away! We are heading to Florida for a week in just three weeks!!! I can't wait! We just decided last week that we wanted to go, next thing we knew we found two flights for $135 bucks and booked the timeshare.

I'm also in a biggest loser competition...pretty emberassed by my weigh in. I can't believe the tonage I've added over the Holidays! I've gained 7 pounds!!! Guess that's what happens when I let the off-season excuses roll in. Fortunately, I'm out of that mode and look forward to sharing my progress with anyone interested. I weighed in at 145.5 and my personal goal weight is 120. That's quite a ways to go, but for some reason it isn't too intimidating to me considering I lost so much after the days when I was sick. I still can't believe I ever weighed 177!!! I'm giving myself until September to hit 125, I suspect the last five to ten pounds are going to take some fine tuning, and may take a bit later. It's between I 115 to 120 that I begin to cut. I am REALLY excited about continuing to improve my aerobic ability and to eventually be where I once was if not even better! So ladies look out, because I am a girl on a mission this summer...and if you are on the trails, you take a major roll in my mission. I mean that in the most loving way possible. :)

Well, I better try and get a bit more rest before dinner, since I work again tonight. Maybe Monday I will let you know whether I give the date with the hunky biker a shot. ;)

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